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Brands that changed marketing

person holding a smartphone, with a laptop and various tech-related icons like light bulbs, gears, cameras and social media symbols floating around it.

Have you ever noticed how some brands just seem to get brand marketing strategy right? It’s not by chance. In 2024, a few brands are leading the way with new and clever marketing strategies. We as a digital marketing agency can crack the code for you through this blog! This blog will look at how brands like Zomato, Amazon, OYO and Nykaa have changed the game. From Zomato’s funny social media posts to Amazon’s creative campaigns, these brands are showing us how to do marketing in a fresh way. Let’s explore how they’ve done it and what other businesses can learn from their success.

Table of Contents

  1. Zomato: Delivering Digital Delights
  2. Amazon: Revolutionising E-Commerce in India
  3. OYO: Reinventing Hotel Stays with Smart Marketing
  4. Nykaa: Influencing Beauty with Smart Partnerships
  5. In Conclusion
  6. Frequently Asked Questions

Zomato: Delivering Digital Delights

Picture this: You’re scrolling through your phone, craving a hearty meal but unsure where to order from. Then, you remember seeing Zomato pop up every time you searched for restaurants nearby. How did they become such a big deal? Well, it’s all about their smart marketing strategy.

1. Showing Up When It Counts

Zomato knows the importance of being seen. They’ve nailed search engine tricks so well that whenever you type in “best places to eat” or “delivery near me,” guess whose name pops up first? Yep, Zomato. That’s not luck; it’s an SEO marketing strategy in action.

2. Keeping You Hooked

Ever noticed those witty posts on Instagram or the funny tweets about food cravings? That’s Zomato keeping the conversation going. They’ve turned social media into a dining table where everyone’s invited to share their love for food and discover new places. They are doing meme marketing and digital marketing revolutionising how marketing can be done other than traditional ways like TVC campaigns.

Like in this reel, finding humour in everyday typos. Zomato cleverly uses these moments to stay ahead in the digital marketing game, associating food with fun and always staying at the top.

3. Tempting You Just Right

Push notifications from Zomato are like your foodie best friend tapping your shoulder and saying, “Hey, there’s a crazy deal at that new pizza joint!” They’re masters at keeping you in the loop with irresistible offers and updates that make ordering food a no-brainer.

4. The Power of Recommendations

Remember when your favourite food blogger raved about a Zomato find? Influencer marketing has played a huge role in Zomato’s rise, ensuring their app is on everyone’s radar by strategically collaborating with tastemakers who truly know their food.

Zomato is currently collaborating with comedy influencers such as Samay Raina, Gaurav Kapoor and Swati Sachdeva to stay relevant in the growing trend of stand-up comedy. By partnering with these rising stars in the comedy industry, Zomato aims to connect with its GenZ audience and maintain a relatable image.

5. Catching Your Eye

From colourful ads on websites to sponsored posts on social media, Zomato’s marketing blitz isn’t just about selling food—it’s about creating an appetite for discovery. Their ads are like mini food adventures that make you want to click and explore.

6. Making It Personal

Ever get a Zomato email that feels like it was written just for you? Whether it’s a reminder about your favourite restaurant’s new menu or a birthday treat suggestion, Zomato knows how to make every customer feel special with personalised messages.

7. Changing the Game

What sets Zomato apart isn’t just their tasty deals or quick deliveries—it’s their knack for keeping up with what customers want. They’ve turned ordering food into a fun, interactive experience that’s as much about discovery as it is about convenience.

Zomato’s journey from a startup to a food delivery giant isn’t just about good brand marketing strategy; it’s about understanding food culture and connecting with people on a personal level. Their approach has not only changed how we order food but also set new standards for what digital marketing can achieve in the food tech industry.

Amazon: Revolutionising ECommerce in India

Have you ever wondered how Amazon managed to make such a big splash in India? Let’s chat about it. Their marketing strategy is nothing short of genius. They’ve really cracked the code on how to connect with Indian consumers. From personalised recommendations to targeted email campaigns, Amazon knows how to keep their customers coming back for more.

1. Personalised Recommendations

Amazon uses smart algorithms to suggest products based on your browsing and purchase history. It’s like they know what you want before you do. But revealing a secret it is actually their SEO team!

2. Using Guerilla Marketing

One thing that stands out is their use of guerilla marketing. Have you heard about their “Chai Cart” campaign? It’s pretty cool. Amazon set up these chai carts in cities like Bangalore, offering free tea to local entrepreneurs and sellers. While sipping their chai, these small business owners learned about the benefits of selling online. It was a friendly, face-to-face way to spread awareness and it worked like a charm. People love chai, so why not use it to introduce them to e-commerce?

Screenshot of the Instagram profile of Ryanair

If you also want to target cities like Bangalore like Amazon India, then connect with a digital marketing agency in Bangalore to make your work a bit easier.

3. Content marketing

Bloggers and website owners promote Amazon products and earn commissions. It’s a win-win that expands Amazon’s reach. Their blog, “Amazon Stories,” shares success stories and product launches, keeping users engaged and informed.

4. Mobile Optimisation and Remarketing Strategy

Amazon’s mobile app is another big hit. It’s user-friendly, with features like one-click ordering and personalised notifications. This makes shopping convenient and keeps users engaged. And if you’ve ever browsed Amazon and then seen ads for the products you looked at, that’s remarketing in action. It’s a clever way to remind customers of what they’re interested in and nudge them towards making a purchase.

5. Prime Membership

Lastly, there’s Amazon Prime. Promoting their Prime membership with perks like free shipping and exclusive deals encourages customers to sign up and stay loyal.

OYO: Reinventing Hotel Stays with Smart Marketing

OYO Rooms has taken the budget hotel sector by storm in India and their marketing strategy is a big part of the reason why. They’ve used a mix of clever techniques to make their brand stand out and connect with customers. Let’s break down how they’re making waves in the hotel industry with their smart marketing moves.

1. Omni-Channel Distribution

OYO covers all bases by using both online and offline channels. Their website and app make booking a breeze and they’ve teamed up with travel giants like MakeMyTrip and Booking.com to reach even more people. Making it easier for them to reach the right and wide audience.

2. SEO and SEM

They’ve nailed SEO, ensuring their website shows up in search results with well-chosen keywords, sharp images and detailed descriptions. This makes it easy for travellers to find them. OYO also invests in paid search ads which is SEM (Search Engine Marketing). This helps them appear at the top of search results, bringing more visitors to their site and boosting bookings. Also their travel blogs are full of useful tips and destination info, which not only attracts new visitors but also keeps them coming back.

3. Online visibility

OYO is very active on social media. They use platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to share engaging content, run contests and post customer stories. This helps build a loyal community and keeps their audience engaged. Oyo also uses Meme marketing to tap into the GenZ market and stay relatable.

Reels like this make oyo get more brand visibility among a young audience. Partnering with a meme marketing agency can make you create memes like to stay at the top of your game.

In the end, OYO’s approach to marketing—mixing SEO, SEM, social media and content—is really paying off. It’s revolutionising the hotel industry in India by making it easier for customers to book and stay engaged.

Nykaa: Influencing Beauty with Smart Partnerships

Nykaa is an Indian e-commerce company focused on beauty and wellness products for women. Founded in 2012 by Falguni Nayar. It has really made a mark in the Indian beauty world and it’s all thanks to their clever marketing strategy. They’ve nailed it with everything from creating awesome content and teaming up with influencers to staying active on social media. Their approach keeps customers hooked and helps them stand out in a crowded market. Let’s dive into how Nykaa is leading the way and making waves in the beauty industry.

1. Collaborations with Big Names

Nykaa teams up with well-known influencers, including TV stars and fashion content creators. For example, they brought actress Janhvi Kapoor on board for their “Pink It Up” ad. These collaborations aren’t just about getting a famous face in front of the camera; they help build brand awareness and trust.

Nykaa has recently caught the audience’s attention by collaborating with ‘Main Hoon Na’ stars Amrita Arora and Zayed Khan. By collaborating with them they hit the nostalgia spot of audiences grabbing every ‘Main Hoon Na’ fan’s attention.

2. The Nykaa Affiliate Program

They’ve got a cool affiliate program that’s all about working with creators. Content creators publish content for Nykaa across various digital platforms, expanding their reach even further. It’s a win-win—creators get to engage with their audience and Nykaa gets more eyes on their products.

Their recent collaboration with Govinuts, tapped the meme market instead of beauty market trying to connect to every kind of audience on their page.

In short, Nykaa’s approach to influencer marketing is all about quality partnerships and smart use of digital reach. It’s been a game-changer in boosting their brand visibility and connecting with beauty enthusiasts. You could do the same by getting some help from a social media marketing agency!

In Conclusion

In today’s fast-moving world, these brands are proving that marketing isn’t just about getting your message out there; it’s about changing the game. From Zomato’s clever social media antics to Amazon’s inventive local campaigns and OYO’s smart use of multiple channels to Nykaa’s influential partnerships, they’re all setting new standards in the industry.

If you’re looking to transform your marketing strategy, we’re here to help. As a leading branding agency, we specialise in creating innovative marketing solutions that elevate your brand. Contact us at hello@florafountain.com and let’s work together to bring your brand’s vision to life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Marketing involves attracting people to your company’s products or services. This is achieved through market research, analysis and understanding what interests your ideal customers.
Meme marketing, Mobile Optimisation and Social media marketing are key strategies of Zomato’s marketing.
Rebranding means changing your company’s name, logo or design to create a fresh, distinct identity for customers and other stakeholders.
Most effective marketing trend right now is digital marketing and online marketing. As people spend most of their time online, this marketing tactic is perfect to target the correct audience.
Inclusion of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a new inclusion in marketing in 2024. Also short format content and UCG(User Generated Content) are being used to increase brand awareness.

Vasim Samadji is a partner at Flora Fountain, where he leads the Business and Marketing Strategy divisions. He is a seasoned professional with an MBA in marketing and over a decade of experience working with multiple MNCs. Vasim is a firm believer in the power of creation and he is...

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