Pick 6 Horror Movies and We’ll Guess Your Biggest Fear with 98% Accuracy
Heels or Flats: How do you dress to impress on date night?
We all have come across such articles on the internet. And in most cases, have clicked on the link and answered all the questions, either out of curiosity or interest in the brand. This is interactive content at play, on web and social media.
What is interactive content?
Any form of content that encourages the user or follower to not just passively consume content, but participate and interact with the brand, is called interactive content. It can include quizzes, surveys, polls, riddles and calculators added into articles, social media posts and stories.
It is an interesting and fun approach to connect and interact with the customer, pick her brain on what they think about the brand, its products and in some cases, even collect data from them for future marketing activities. And anything more than just reading text is always more engaging.
In order to provide the best social media marketing services in Ahmedabad, Flora Fountain has always believed that content must engage, educate and delight the brand’s user.
BuzzFeed – Killing it on the internet with interaction
Everyone knows BuzzFeed. While there might be different reasons why people like them, the one thing that makes them stand out in the market in terms of content, are their interactive posts, quizzes and surveys. According to BuzzFeed, 96% of users who start their sponsored quiz, complete it. That is a very high completion rate!
And the brand has been successful in generating engagement, user interaction and data collection because their content targets specific audiences, it is created to be mobile-friendly and incorporates a lot of visual elements.
It’s very simple, create content that makes storytelling a conversation, rather than one-way communication, where the consumer is only reading and gaining information but cannot interact back.
Like, this FRIENDS S1-based quiz that takes one on a nostalgic trip back to the teens. What’s fun is that they become addictive after a point.
Benefits of interactive content
Increases consumer engagement
When a brand creates any form of interactive content, it is seeking its users’ opinion about the topic. It shows that the brand truly values the consumer and they are open to accepting their users’ ideas, thoughts, and feedback.
And no, it’s not rocket science to create engaging content online. And one of the best examples of it is this great use of the Poll Stickers feature by youth fashion brand Forever21 about their footwear trends.
More attention from the audience
When a brand regularly creates interesting interactive content on their social media platforms, it creates a great recall value in the minds of its followers and users. They begin to participate in the quizzes, puzzles and polls regularly and look forward to the next such post.
One such example is of Falguni Vastrapur on Instagram. Its digital marketing company in Ahmedabad regularly creates funny, engagement inducing content on its Instagram pages.
Most of the participants in their comments are their customers, who are delighted that their favourite snack brand interacts with them like their next door friendly neighbour.
More data captured for optimised lead generation and conversion rates

Interactive content doesn’t always have to be just This or That type of polls and quizzes. They can also be a simple Ask Me Anything (AMA) or DM for Price Request types of questions too.
Ahmedabad-based fusion sweets brand Bellezoe has been known to be keeping its stories interactive in a way that it gets to capture customer data like their social media handles, and in some cases, their contact details too.
With the database of interested users on Instagram, they keep these ‘users’ or prospective customers updated about their latest products, offers and much more.
Types of interactive content
Instagram Polls & Surveys
Instagram is a goldmine of interactive content. Especially its stories, with multiple stickers which offer interactive tools for users to engage with the brand. Some of its popular stickers include the Poll, Question, Rate Me and Link Me.
Some of the top brands from around the world, like Forever 21, Ray Ethnic and local brands like Bellezoe use such stickers to engage with their followers regularly.
Quizzes & Puzzles
As mentioned earlier, BuzzFeed is the champion when it comes to Quizzes. Almost every other media company or brand all over the world uses BuzzFeed’s Quiz template or a modified version of it in their content.
LIVE Q&A sessions
Many celebrities and even brands love using the LIVE feature on Instagram and Facebook to host direct Q&A sessions with their followers in real time.
Some of our favourite LIVE interactive sessions include musician Ehsaan Qureshi’s late-night Instagram LIVEs during the pandemic-induced lockdowns where he’d invite budding artistes and singers to join him on the same screen and perform for his followers. A similar activity was done by the Instagram page Your Food Lab, where the chef would host a Cook With Me with his followers on LIVE, while answering their questions and having fun chats with them.
Feed in the data and get to see the results. One of the best and professional ways to interact with consumers and users is to provide them with an easy to use calculator to find out answers to their questions themselves.
It not only improves their engagement with the brand, but increases the chances of them taking the conversation forward and getting converted into a potential sale/business. One of our favourite calculators is the one below, from Ahmedabad-based Investment Advisory firm White Ocean.
How to plan your interactive content?
It’s not rocket science. Simply follow this checklist below, created by digital marketers of Flora Fountain, one of the best social media marketing services in Ahmedabad, follow.
- Outline your objectives clearly
- Use the language your audience interacts in
- Keep it simple as you can
- Keep it mobile friendly
- Collect & store customer data for future
Easy-peasy? No? Worry not. We’re here for you! Drop us an ‘Allo on hello@florafountain.in and we’ll help you create such amazing, interactive content for your brands too!